Global Communications Officer
CMO Council Advisory Board: Africa

Judy Gounden, has over 25 years of outstanding marketing experience and has played a pivotal role in driving growth and revenue through innovative marketing strategies. She is skilled at consumer lead generation, cultivation, and conversion through a highly successful combination of traditional and online marketing, utilizing emerging technology to generate unsurpassed growth and revenue. Gounden has strong leadership experience in multinational corporate environments, strategic planning, marketing, and business analysis, supported by tenacity, flexibility, and business change management expertise. With an MBA, an Engineering Diploma, and a Bachelor of Commerce in Organizational Psychology, Gounden began her career in the pulp and paper industry, moving to petrochemicals, followed by the mining and energy industries, and retail. While working for multinational corporations with headquarters in Houston (Emerson Process Management) and Helsinki (Metso Automation), she made significant advancements in the construction industry. While working at Grinaker LTA (a division of Aveng), she served as board member for the Middle East and Africa region on a global board responsible for mining projects. She is presently working on her Doctorate in Philosophy and has joined the CMO Council Advisory Board in Africa. Recently, Gounden was interviewed by e.tv, a leading 24-hour news channel in South Africa, on the rate at which change is happening in our industry and a recent Marketing Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, where Gounden was a keynote speaker.


What will you be speaking about at the Marketing Summit in South Africa?

GOUNDEN: The rate at which innovation is occurring in the last decade can almost be described as a frenzy, especially when we look at Gen AI. What is important is that we are able to manage the rate at which this AI change is happening, provide Governance around it and this process and most importantly, extract maximum value.


How can organizations prepare to address these challenges and convert them into solutions?

GOUNDEN: Marketers are facing a lot of challenges at the moment, as CMO Council research shows. Firstly, executives are struggling with the lack of vision, direction and planning around AI-assisted marketing and automation strategies and how to prioritize them. Another issue is making sense of what vast volumes of data mean, to be able to extract and apply insights and intelligence. Thirdly, challenges around internal marketing Governance and compliance to ensure safe and secure use of social media. Those would be the top three challenges. The first step to addressing this is to have intentional conversations and storytelling around these challenges. And the starting point to dealing with these challenges would be to have those conversations.


What impact do you see Generative AI having on marketing strategies worldwide, and also in South Africa?

GOUNDEN: We know from the latest Microsoft and LinkedIn Work Trend Index Annual Report, that 75% of people are already using AI at work, and 46% of them have just started recently, in the last six months. What is astounding, is that 78% of AI users are bringing their own AI to work, meaning that employers are not providing it to them. What is a concern is that 50% of AI users at work are reluctant to admit to using AI because they worry using AI will make them replaceable! How do we as leaders change the narrative around this?


How have your diverse experiences shaped how you think about marketing?

GOUNDEN: Look beyond your industry and explore partnerships that can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Collaborate with diverse stakeholders and adopt a learning culture for yourself and those around you. Be open and lean into change and embrace it. Check out new AI tools for yourself.


How has your different industry experience shaped you?

GOUNDEN: Working across industries highlighted the power of collaboration and, more specifically, cross-functional collaboration. Marketing can’t thrive in silos; it requires alignment with other functions in your team. I foster collaboration, seeking input from diverse teams to create realistic strategies that will first be bought into the team and thereafter implemented. The key for me is to leverage data and technology by using data analytics to understand consumer behaviour across cultures. Take the time to understand it thoroughly. Only then is it possible to personalize communication and marketing efforts based on marketing insights.


What is your advice to aspiring marketers?

GOUNDEN: Find experts that you can talk to and soundboard what you are doing. Be resilient. It’s easier said than done, I get that, but being resilient is vital. Marketing can be challenging. Expect setbacks but bounce back stronger. Perseverance pays off. Learn from your failures and just keep going!


WATCH the video interview in full


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