Marketing and Data Security: The Unlikely Brand Building Partnership     Free Report

Much rides on marketing’s relationship with information security to acquire, maintain and secure customer data for competitive advantage. Together, marketing and security can navigate perilous waters, such as Generative AI, trust and privacy concerns, en route to preserving and building the brand...

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Real-Time AI Interaction at the Point of Transaction     Free Report

Digital innovation at the point of transaction is transforming America’s 200,000 drive-thru lanes, which serve 84 million Americans daily and account for 70% of quick-service restaurant sales...

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CMO Intentions 2024     Free Report

MarTech procurement intentions have made a massive swing to embracing new GenAI tools, applications and analytics. Almost 60% of marketing leaders view this area of investment as offering the most value and ROI. This is good news and comes at a critical time: 1 in 3 CMOs say their campaign performance needs improvement or has underperformed. Our newest report, “CMO Intentions 2024,” ...

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Shaping Marketing's Future Impact And Driving Profitable Growth     Free Report

We have spent months understanding the overwhelming challenges the CMOs are faced with and the years and decades of first-hand experience addressing those leveraging data and insight into development to define these critical priorities going forward. These are not just challenges; they're opportunities for us to shape marketing's future and the impact we can deliver...

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Fire Up Your B2B Revenue Generation Engine     Free Report

Most B2B marketers say they should be driving the customer-acquisition machine, yet 62% say their lead gen and engagement strategy underperforms! Millions of dollars are being wasted on misguided “spray and pray” campaigns. ...

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What Every CMO Needs to Know About Sponsorship     Free Report

When it’s done right, sponsorship provides one of the most powerful, flexible, and accountable of all marketing media. The problem is that in 99% of the cases, sponsorship fails because of a lack of strategic direction, a lack of skills, and a lack of accountability – all areas where small changes precipitated by marketing leadership can invoke huge changes in company fortunes. Even if...

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Boosting Yield In The Account Marketing Field     Free Report

Here’s a handy primer from the CMO Council and WM America on how to Boost Yield in the Account Marketing Field. No more “spray and pray.” Apply new ABM methodologies using precision prospecting, timely and relevant engagement, and AI-driven data enrichment for intention-based buyer targeting...

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Marketing and Finance: Fueling Innovation or Falling Behind?     Free Report

Economic headwinds have arrived, and chances are, you’re not prepared. Only 10% of marketing leaders strongly believe their marketing investments, whose reins are often held by finance, position them to emerge from economic turmoil ahead of the competition, according to our new report produced in collaboration with KPMG LLP...

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Getting Smart About Ad Waste     Free Report

CMOs are facing growing budget pressures and increased expectations to drive positive ROAS from their media investments. Optimizing media spend based on always-on attribution has proven to drive increased incremental sales and revenue in a new study conducted by InMarket, in cooperation with the CMO Council...

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Outsmart Adversity     Free Report

With looming economic headwinds, this year will test marketing’s mettle to survive them and even emerge in a growth position. Yet only 34% of marketing leaders are highly confident in their ability to handle economic adversity and uncertainty against their revenue growth mandate. ...

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Sales & Marketing: Driving Revenue Through Collaboration     Free Report

Most sales and marketing organizations haven’t been able to pivot fast enough to the new digital buyer. More than 70% of marketers don’t feel very confident in their current sales and marketing model to sell effectively in the digitalized customer journey. This means they risk falling short of their revenue mandate...

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Optimizing Outcomes In Media Marketing     $50 US*

Much is riding on your media marketing and advertising strategy. Driving sales, mostly. Brand loyalty and customer experience, too. CMOs really need to get this right. The problem is that the media landscape, chock full of digital channels, has become wildly unpredictable. ...

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Digital Enterprise Execution: Ailing or Excellent?     $50 US*

Are companies gaining business lift from the digital shift? According to a new survey of senior corporate executives, entitled “Digital Enterprise Execution: Ailing or Excellent?”, there’s unanimous validation of the business gains from digital transformation, but it’s not entirely due to strategic leadership from the corner office...

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Cracking Tomorrow’s CX Code     Free Report

It’s no secret that the last few years have upended the way customers want to interact with companies. Digital engagement has led to higher customer expectations, bigger demands and about a million more choices if one brand doesn’t deliver. Privacy laws and changes by tech companies have marketers scrambling to get the data they need to meet customer expectations...

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High-Velocity Data Marketing     Free Report

Marketers are turning increasingly to data as a source of wisdom and foresight; and to get ahead of sudden disruptions and heightened consumer expectations. The CMO is at the epicenter of this data movement at a time when companies need strategic, intelligence-based direction more than ever...

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Increase Your Pace in the E-commerce Race     $50 US*

With ecommerce expectations skyrocketing for rapid home delivery of consumer products, manufacturers and retailers are caught in a major supply and fulfillment dilemma. Legacy supply chains, often designed for in-store fulfillment, are not keeping pace with consumer demand and are no longer profitable...

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National Brands Kickstart Local Demand     Free Report

When local businesses stumble, a national brand’s revenue tumbles. A third of national marketers say 40% or more of their company’s revenue comes from local business partners, yet less than 30% of small businesses have fully recovered from the pandemic. Do the math, and you’ll see a lot of lost revenue...

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Insights from EMEA marketing leader invention sessions held in Dubai, London and Johannesburg

Sparking MarTech Migration + Digital Innovation Progress Report     $50 US*

The CMO Council hosted three interactive EMEA roundtables with digital marketing transformation leaders in London, Dubai and Johannesburg. The discussions were focused on the Sparking MarTech Migration + Digital Innovation mandate and focused on the struggles to centralize, protect, share, and better use customer data, brand assets, market intelligence and best practice knowledge across their ...

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The High-Velocity Data Marketer     Free Report

CMOs have entered a new era of high-velocity data marketing to spot sudden disruptions in market and customer behavior. We’re talking about the speed of acquiring real-time, relevant data signals. Speed of generating data insights. Speed of closing the gap between data and insights, insights and action...

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Smart Spending at Speed     Free Report

Given today’s marketing pressures, such as tighter budgets, leaner staff, higher stakes with MarTech, and expectations of increased and tangible return on marketing investments, smart and fast marketing sourcing has become a team sport.This has led to a grassroots refresh of marketing’s relationship with procurement. Why? CMOs who more actively involve procurement in marketing sourcing...

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Solving For Disruption     Free Report

To kickoff our “Signals From the Noise” program, the CMO Council polled a select group of marketing executives to learn about the effectiveness of their data systems. ...

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Revenue Gain From The Local Demand Chain     $50 US*

With limited digital marketing resources and expertise, local businesses are falling behind in digital transformation. They need a better understanding of digital marketing tactics such as search, social and online review management — critical areas for building brand awareness in an increasingly digitalized customer journey...

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NextGen Events: Optimized for Outcomes     $50 US*

Anxiously awaiting the return of in-person events, marketers are seizing the opportunity to reimagine event channel strategy. Next-gen events can drive depth and breadth of customer engagement that lead to better brand awareness, lead generation, retention and loyalty...

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Gaining Lift From the Consumer Shift     $50 US*

How well do you know your customers? Over the last several years, the theme of “meeting customers where they are” has been top-of-mind, but the pandemic brought this to the forefront of every marketer’s strategy in a new way. When life as we know it comes to a startling halt, how can we continue to deliver customer-first experiences when the future feels so uncertain and bleak? ...

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Humanize + Optimize The Way You Recognize Every Customer + Contact     $50 US*

Improving digital customer experience (DCX) is now a crucial business issue for brands. Consumers have flocked to digital channels since the start of the pandemic. Too often, they have encounted experiences that don’t satisfy, causing many to abandon transactions and take their business elsewhere. Very often, the problem is digital authentication and identity verification. More than 80 ...

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Making High-Tech MarTech Pay Off     Free Report

As high-tech companies emerge from the pandemic, marketing and MarTech lie at the heart of the recovery. To optimize MarTech investments, marketing needs to have a very effective relationship with IT that spans strategy, selection and management. Such a working relationship drives MarTech innovation, capability maturity and higher performance. ...

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Making Consumer Products MarTech Pay Off     Free Report

As consumer products companies emerge from the pandemic, marketing and MarTech lie at the heart of the recovery. To optimize MarTech investments, marketing needs to have a very effective relationship with IT that spans strategy, selection and management. Such a working relationship drives MarTech innovation, capability maturity and higher performance. ...

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Authentication Frustration     $50 US*

One of the fastest ways to lose customers and revenue in the digital age is a painful and convoluted identity verification process. More than 6 out of 10 consumers report exiting online transactions due to problems verifying identity. Over 8 in 10 say they prefer to do business with companies and brands that make identity confirmation simple and safe with biometrics...

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Why Customer Service Is The New Marketing     Free Report

For far too long, customer service had a comfortable place on marketing’s back burner. But what happens when the pot starts to boil over?The customer journey is no longer a linear funnel. With so much noise and endless distractions, marketers need to foster real, human connections. New research from Acquire finds that customer service is the new key to effective marketing, loyalty, ...

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Instant Interaction Driving Business Traction     $50 US*

Chat Commerce is taking the world by storm. This emerging digital channel of engagement delivers fast and frictionless customer interactions with a brand’s chatbot or live agent conducted mostly over popular messaging platforms, such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. It leverages these trusted social connections and engages localized audiences seeking to satisfy real-life needs.Chat ...

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Sparking MarTech Migration + Digital Innovation     $50 US*

As companies look to transform and embrace this digital-first reality in 2021, they cannot lose what makes their brand resonate with their audience: human connection. The ability to balance digital advancements with authenticity is the holy grail for marketers today. ...

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Email Marketing ROI     Free Report

Whether you’re a CMO, on the path to becoming one, or want an inside look at how the most effective marketing channel in your toolkit—email—can drive the highest return on your investment (ROI), you’re in the right place...

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Making MarTech Pay Off     Free Report

As companies emerge from the pandemic, marketing and MarTech lie at the heart of the recovery. To optimize MarTech investments, marketing needs to have a very effective relationship with IT that spans strategy, selection and management. Such a working relationship drives MarTech innovation, capability maturity and higher performance. ...

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Financial Service and Online Payment Edition     Free Report

Don’t fall prey to one-dimensional data analysis for determining your brands multidimensional impact. This Partner Content report explores how marketing leaders need to see farther and deeper than ever before into their brand’s analytics, impact and performance. Learn how to achieve a 360-degree view of your brand strategy metrics to see how you stack up against competitors...

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Health Insurance Edition     Free Report

Are you measuring yourself in a silo? This Partner Content report focuses on the health insurance industry and provides unique strategies for your organization to see into your brand’s competitive landscape. Learn how to outsmart your competition and win market share with more visibility and context than ever before...

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Consumer Electronics Computers Edition     Free Report

Customers are people, too. So many emotions are behind each click, purchase and interaction customers have with your brand. This Partner Content report explores how marketing leaders can measure their brand analytics, impact and campaigns beyond the narrow lens of one-dimensional data. Treat customers as more than just a number...

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Brandtotal Top Chart Reports     Free Report

BrandTotal’s Top Performers charts presents brands that dominated social media that month. Learn what worked and why, how leading brands are generated social media success and more! This Partner Content report covers three main categories: Top 10 Most Engaging Ads, Top 10 Most Loved Ads, and Top 10 Spenders. Did your organization make the cut...

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The Omnichannel Experience     Free Report

Are marketers missing the mark with their content? For 42% of marketers, content is the most vital tool for lead acquisition, yet it’s consistently underutilized. Omnichannel communication in today's digital climate requires cohesive, accessible and impactful content narratives in order to resonate with rapidly evolving audiences' needs. For many brands, gaps in communication, inconsistent ...

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The Exponential Power of Collaborative Marketing     Free Report

This report details how collaborative marketing can bring companies and their partner networks into the data-driven digital marketing revolution...

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The Greatest Comeback Ever     Free Report

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was talking about the “Retail Apocalypse.” The Coronavirus then exacerbated an already desperate situation, with the outlook for retail looking grimmer than ever...

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C-Suite Scorecard     $50 US*

The C-Suite Scorecard report card is based on a survey of 120 enterprise business leaders in companies of all sizes. It gave marketing high marks for 2020 performance, and nearly 70% of respondents are confident in marketing’s ability to lead growth recovery in 2021. Notably, however, management in enterprises of more than $500 million in revenue differ in their views of marketing ...

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Airlines And Hospitality     Free Report

The world is opening up! The industry that was initially the hardest hit – travel – is set to lead the recovery. This industry report highlights who is dominating the Share-of-Voice (SOV), which creatives are catching fire, what the consumer sentiment is around brands and even specific posts, what each brand’s messaging and positioning strategy is, and who’s getting it ...

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How Changing Consumption Patterns have Shaped the Way Food and Beverage Brands are Advertising     Free Report

Leading Food and Beverage brands are household names and key drivers of the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, fundamentally changed the way we relate to these brands. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it is the importance of brand messaging, particularly when it comes to paid social media messaging and creative. What messages are brands attempting to connect...

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Rising Above The Fray     $50 US*

A chaotic customer journey has flipped much of the sales action to the top of the funnel, making marketers responsible for nearly half of a company’s revenue. It’s a big ask with even bigger challenges to overcome. Marketers face immense pressure, scarcity of resources, a data literacy gap and a skeptical CEO...

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The Future of Finance Lies in a Customer Segment of One     Free Report

An ecosystem is rapidly unfolding in financial services, blurring boundaries between stalwart finance institutions, giant tech companies and emerging FinTechs. Financial services — banking, payments, wealth management and more — need to devise a strategy on how to align to this new paradigm and come up with defensible competitive positions...

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Will Retailers Capitalize or Capsize on Consumer Data?     Free Report

Retailers are at crossroads as the world emerges from the pandemic, which tore a particularly destructive path in the retail and consumer packaged goods industries...

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Scaling the Value of the CMO     $50 US*

Chief marketers are stretched and challenged like never before. The global pandemic has disrupted markets, operations and customer behaviors. Agile recovery and new routes to revenue are the new imperatives. Leaner, more digitally proficient marketing organizations with shared purpose and greater productivity are a key deliverable for 2021. Better integrating and leveraging new automation ...

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Getting it Done in 2021     Free Report

There’s some good news and optimism from global marketing leaders looking for growth recovery in 2021. Nearly two-thirds of 200 members surveyed by the CMO Council worldwide say they will boost marketing spend in the coming year and most don’t expect to downsize or re-structure their organizations...

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The Future of Work Is Now     $50 US*

Organizations of all sizes and industries are adopting Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) to reduce operational costs, optimize processes, and driving top-line growth across the customer lifecycle. Explore this eBook to learn how a blend of business professionals and Intelligent Automation technologies work together to augment workforces. The future of work is here...

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Leveraging AI to Boost Lead Generation and Conversion Efforts     $50 US*

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the minds of Marketers now more than ever. Why? Marketers responsible for demand generation know better than anyone else that it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve with new lead generation tactics — and AI is where it’s at. The best AI solutions use Marketing data to deliver powerful information about prospects and customers, as well as dig ...

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How Covid Has Changed The Channels Of Engagement     $50 US*

Consumers across generations and geographies are moving to digital channels, and running into all sorts of problems. Now 73% of frustrated consumers are considering spending their dollars elsewhere...

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Bridging the Gap for Comms and Marketing     $50 US*

Digital media now singularly impacts buying decisions and how consumers feel about brands, only amplifying the importance of consistent messaging across media channels and especially with earned media. Yet too many brands are dissatisfied with their earned media performance due largely to problems arising from misalignment between marketing and comms...

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Forging the Future of Customer Experience     $50 US*

The rise of the data-driven marketer has propelled the marketing function beyond branding and into the realm of customer experience and revenue growth. Before marketers can succeed in their new role, however, they must first solve the customer data conundrum. A whopping 60% of marketers aren’t happy with the depth and granularity of customer insights, while 36% don’t even have the data...

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Measuring Marketing in the Moment     $50 US*

The pinnacle of personalization in marketing is delivering the right message to the right person in their moment of need. This requires a data-driven understanding of the customer, real-time buyer intent signals, masterful orchestration between team members and partners, and technology that closes the gap between insight and action...

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Making Content Marketing Convert     $50 US*

Digital content is indispensable in driving business opportunities, market education and customer engagement in 2020. Yet, many marketing organizations lack the necessary capabilities and processes to keep pace with a growing content marketing imperative. This report sheds light into the problems marketing organizations face in elevating the business impact of content development, distribution and...

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Making Content Grow Into Customer Flow     $50 US*

Content marketers face challenges on multiple fronts — and they’re losing the battle. Marketers can spend a third of their marketing budget on content yet lack the capability to measure ROI. Content strategies are built on budget and time, not on customer and market trends. Content quality is hit or miss. Scattershot content distribution turns off customers...

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Authority Leadership Marketing     Free Report

B2B marketers today must introduce strategic themes and advocacy platforms that resonate with customer decision makers sweating business issues, problems and challenges. By assuming a trusted authority leader role and evidencing intimacy with market needs and requirements, vendors become credible sources of relevant information and conversation...

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Mobile Ingenuity in Africa's Dynamic Community     $50 US*

Known as a land rich in minerals, the African continent has a new source of economic growth and wealth to mine: mobile customer data...

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How To Achieve Transformational Growth     Free Report

CMOs in the age of digital transformation and accelerating competitive intensity are being challenged to set forth new routes to revenue. With the expectation that the mandate of today's CMO is to achieve consistent and substantial growth, there is increasing pressure to identify strategies that will achieve increased customer value, scale global operations and improve product success...

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Exceeding the Requirements of the Trust Economy     Free Report

Warren Buffet famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” This has never been more true when it comes to the sacred trust between customers and brands. Today’s customers are ready to flee brands that can’t keep personal data secure. Yet, too many brands risk losing customer trust in the face of massive data proliferation and rising ...

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Are Garbage Leads Trashing Your Brand?     Free Report

Too often, marketers provision leads from agencies, offshore list sources, internal departments or media channels that are not the result of an opt-in, permission-based, relevant content-consumption process. In other words, they’re garbage. And it gets worse: These leads may be coming from bad actors, such as overseas lead farms cutting corners and outright illicit name scrapers. All of ...

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Loyalty That Lasts     $50 US*

Today’s consumer is seeking a deep, emotional bond with the brands they do business with, and yet new research reveals that organizations see dollar-signs – not people – when thinking of their customers.  ...

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Customer Value Creation From Live Data Interpretation     $50 US*

The CMO Council has undertaken numerous studies that reveal the majority of CMOs are more focused on pre-sales cultivation, conversion and customer acquisition, rather than realizing a better return from existing relationships that can be more effectively monetized, scaled, and strengthened to reduce churn, defection and detraction. ...

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Transformation in the Age of Engagement     Free Report

Transformation, especially in the digital age, is not easily achieved. Many businesses are investing in transformation, but not all of these investments will pay off...

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Reshaping Global Engagement Operations     $50 US*

Today’s digitally-connected consumer seeks more localized, personalized experiences that are relevant to their own cultural context and situation. Yet 73 percent of global marketers feel only partially prepared to deliver on those expectations...

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Critical Channels of Choice     $50 US*

Omnichannel IS the critical channel of choice. No matter what the generation, from Gen X all the way to the Silent Generation, consumers want a blend of both digital and physical channel experiences. Yet only 13 percent of consumers believe that brands are fully meeting this expectation and delivering across both physical and digital channels. ...

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Data Protection, Privacy and Regulations     $50 US*

This is the first of what will be quarterly briefings from the CMO Council team, available exclusively for our premium members and library subscribers. As May marked the one-year anniversary of GDPR, this first exclusive cut investigates the impacts and ramifications of this regulatory event...

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AMI Report Bundle: Data, eCommerce and Digital Ads     $50 US*

As a special offering to AMI Members, this bundle provides access to three complimentary CMO Council reports. In each of these reports you will find detailed charts and graphs as well as deep-dive executive interviews...

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Bringing a Human Voice to Customer Choice     $50 US*

Chief Marketing Officers believe brands like Amazon, Google, Apple, Nike and Starbucks are getting customer experience right, looking at omni-channel engagement as a means to guide and inspire customers on a journey, and not just push them forward in a buying process. And in fact, this human-first approach is not just developing better relationships, but driving significant profitability and ...

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Turn Up The Volume     $50 US*

In order to further customer experience strategies, marketers must implement strategic customer voice listening initiatives. Yet according to a survey of over 160 senior corporate marketers across Europe, while marketers are listening, they are not hearing the voice of the customer...

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What's Changing the Way You Travel Today?     $50 US*

Travel and tourism generated $1.6 trillion in bookings in 2017 and now accounts for over 10 percent of global GDP. Technology and service innovations are making it easier and cheaper to discover, reach and enjoy travel destinations. Destination marketers seeking to capitalize on the surge of global travel take note: travelers are still looking for the best deal, but also want a personalized ...

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The CMO's Growth Driving Playbook     Free Report

CMOs are expected to drive growth. Yet while research released in Q2 earlier this year (2018) highlighted that CMOs are increasingly activating on growth-driving activities, many are still stuck in the traditional role of brand storyteller rather than strategic revenue creator. Indeed, many are far less comfortable with key aspects of driving growth such as architecting the customer experience and...

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GDPR: Impact and Opportunity     Free Report

GDPR, the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation, has forced marketers to rethink their operations to ensure they are compliant. Yet new research highlights that far too many marketers are unaware that GDPR even applies to them, and have taken no steps to modify their policies...

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Doing More With Data     $50 US*

Charged with the mandate of elevating customer experience, marketers increasingly look to data to better engage with customers and identify new opportunities. Yet previous CMO Council research highlights that marketers admit their organizations could do more to transform the data supply chain to allow them to do more with internal data assets...

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Doing More With Data: Strategic Overview     Free Report

Recent CMO Council research highlights the need for executives across marketing, commerce and supply chain to do more with the data at their fingertips, especially given the need to provide a superior customer experience in an omni-channel environment...

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CMOs and the Spark to Drive Growth - Executive Perspectives     Free Report

In the first part of this investigative growth-driving series, “CMO Action to Spark a Growth Reaction,” we highlighted results of a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing leaders. That research demonstrated that on the road to driving growth, CMOs have evolved beyond their traditional role as brand growth leader, and today are getting comfortable in taking on the role of sales and ...

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CMOs and the Spark to Drive Growth     Free Report

CMOs are increasingly expected to drive growth. In our first investigation into marketers as growth-drivers in 2016, 68 percent of the marketing leaders surveyed saw themselves as growth leaders. They also revealed that senior management and the board held them accountable for growth, believing it was their chief or primary mandate. Yet that investigation also revealed that far too many marketers ...

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Ingenuity in the Global eCommerce Community Detailed Findings     $50 US*

Large, global eCommerce communities are disrupting the retail marketplace by bringing together vast numbers of buyers and sellers in frictionless transactional environments. Inspired by their success, brand marketers are rethinking go-to-market strategies to better integrate digital advertising with personalized shopper engagement and more effective conversion programs...

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Gaining Traction With Every Digital Interaction     Free Report

Nearly 80 percent of marketers surveyed for this study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council reveal they are still unable to fully realize the revenue potential of their customers. Developed in partnership with SendWithUs, this strategic brief reveals that collaboration around the channels of choice for the customer is critical to turning an automated touchpoint into a revenue-producing ...

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The State of Engagement     $50 US*

Customer empowerment is heightening the job security risks of chief marketing officers, who are struggling to keep up with new digitally driven ways to engage, satisfy and enrich the experience of more mobile, savvy and fickle consumers...

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Report cover for Engage at Every Stage: An Investigation of Video Activation featuring a girl looking at a video on her phone

Engage at Every Stage: An Investigation of Video Activation     $50 US*

Reports about incomplete and inaccurate reporting of video performance on Facebook and Google and brand safety issues on YouTube are causing marketers to question their video investments and call for greater transparency and more reliable reporting on rich media contributions. According to this CMO Council study—conducted in partnership with ViralGains—more than 70 percent of marketers...

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Ingenuity in the Global eCommerce Community     Free Report

This strategic brief explores how the massive scale, data quality and customization capability of online marketplaces are bringing new levels of customer insight, enriched experiences and added value to brands...

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Elevate What Consumers Appreciate     $50 US*

To date, the customer experience mandate of the CMO has focused on creating an experience that will surprise and delight their consumers up to the point of purchase; unfortunately, the aftermarket for far too many is an afterthought. Yet with the rise of IoT-enabled service-oriented business models, and a savvy consumer that can quickly share feedback through any number of social channels about ...

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Report Cover for Brand Protection From Digital Content Infection

Brand Protection From Digital Content Infection     $50 US*

While programmatic ad spend continues to increase exponentially year over year, the risk of digital display ads appearing next to offensive or objectionable content is becoming a top concern for marketers. In fact, this study—conducted in partnership with Dow Jones—reveals that 72 percent of marketers are concerned about brand integrity and control when it comes to their ...

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Report Cover for Customer Experience Dynamics

Customer Experience Dynamics     $50 US*

According to this study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council—conducted in partnership with SAP Customer Experience and SellingPower magazine—customer experience (CX) lacks coordinated, centralized leadership in most enterprises...

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Getting Serious About Omni-Channel Experience     $50 US*

Today’s omni-channel consumer expects a seamless journey across both physical and digital channels. Personalization and real-time, always on experiences are a core demand for consumers who expect that each and every experience delivers value to their unique journey...

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The Responsiveness Requirement     $50 US*

Adept and timely response to consumer feedback, requests and preferences has become a key indicator of brand performance according to this study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and Danaher Corporation's Product Identification Platform companies...

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The Customer In Context Report Cover

The Customer in Context     $50 US*

This study—conducted in partnership with SAP Customer Experience—reveals that customer experience is more critical than ever. Based on findings from an online survey of more than 2,000 consumers in early 2017, the report reveals that while today’s connected consumers are not looking for omnichannel perfection, they do have a short list of critical channels they expect to have ...

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The Age of the Adaptive Marketer     $50 US*

Presenting brand materials in a manner that maintains brand identity while also adapting to geographical and cultural customer preferences is a critical challenge for marketers today. Increasingly discerning consumers expect – if not demand – that the materials brands present across sales, marketing and service touch points are timely, relevant and reflect the customer’s unique ...

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Product Ownership     $50 US*

The ownership experience should be a critical brand differentiator and revenue generator for both manufacturers and retailers. Yet only 17 percent of North American consumers believe brands truly care about them after the point of purchase, which might be an accurate reflection of the importance that acquisition-centric marketers place on the aftermarket service and support that drive and solidify...

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How Brands Annoy Fans Report Cover

How Brands Annoy Fans     $50 US*

While it is estimated that programmatic advertising will account for 80 percent of all digital display advertising in 2017, recent headlines and pronouncements by leading brand marketers highlight the significant limitations in this technology-driven ad buying process, with image-sensitive brands appearing next to offensive or irrelevant digital and video content. ...

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Adaptability in Branded Content Delivery: Background Research     $50 US*

This presentation explores background research conducted by the CMO Council and other third party experts to explore the state of adaptability in the world's largest global brands. The presentation explores the localization mandate, benefits of adapting and localizing content, the need for platforms, and overcoming localization hurdles. ...

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Establishing and Enriching the Content Supply Chain     Free Report

While as much as a third of most marketing budgets are dedicated to content origination, few companies formally assess the effectiveness of their content strategies and the relevance and value of content offerings. Even fewer are examining the performance, influence and impact of content in the pre-sales, conversion and customer relationship development areas...

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The Impact of Connectedness on Competitiveness     $50 US*

The Industrial Internet of Things will transform business and industrial performance, delivering significant improvements in operational efficiency and uptime, as well as growth from new business models, products, services and customer experiences...

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Empowering the Data-Driven Customer Strategy     $50 US*

This report explores the findings of a survey of more than 250 global marketers and reveals that while marketers seem to agree that the CMO should be the driver of a data-driven customer strategy (78 percent), there is a clear gap when it comes to effective execution of that strategy as only 7 percent say they are able to deliver real-time, data-driven engagements across physical and digital ...

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Strategy 2017     Free Report

While marketers made great strides in taking ownership of customer experience (CX) strategies in 2016, recent research from the CMO Council reveals that 49 percent of marketers believe they are only able to deliver connected, personalized, data-led experiences some of the time—and primarily only across digital engagements. Furthermore, when asked about the ROI of these experiences, only 7 ...

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The CMO Shift to Gaining Business Lift: Executive Perspectives     Free Report

The role of the CMO has evolved far beyond anyone could have predicted 10 years ago. Gone is the traditional role of mere brand ambassador, replaced with the critical role of business driver, change agent and customer experience champion. As was revealed in the report "The CMO Shift to Gaining Business Lift," CMOs have a clear desire, and business-supported mandate to serve as the primary growth ...

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Connected Interaction to Power Brand Attraction     $50 US*

According to this research by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and IBM, senior marketers will be devoting significant effort to better understanding the customer journey and how to create more personal, content-rich and connected experiences for their customers in 2017. The success of these efforts, however, will be contingent on their ability to create alignment across the digital and ...

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Mind the Gap     Free Report

Believe it or not, just 8 percent of 200 chief marketers surveyed by the CMO Council in Q3 admit to auditing, assessing and continually improving the customer experience. Given the critical need to convert, grow and retain relationships in an omni-channel world, this is a pretty pitiful statistic...

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The CMO Shift to Gaining Business Lift     Free Report

The CMO of today has denounced the traditional role of mere brand ambassador, instead opting to actively assert their role as business driver, change agent and customer experience champion. But while the CMO of today knows they will need to take the driver's seat in steering the development of next generation products, services, business models and customer experiences, many may still be falling ...

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Omnichannel's Missing Link     Free Report

According to the findings from this CMO Council study, conducted in partnership with digital marketing intelligence company Netsertive, the strength of the entire omnichannel experience may lie in the last mile of the journey, where customers are choosing to transact, as well as in local retail partnerships and touchpoints. Marketers almost unanimously agree that delivering an omnichannel ...

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The New Rules of Engagement     Free Report

Marketers in today’s connected world are aiming to deliver personalized communications to consumers, but are they really getting it right? According to a study by the CMO Council, in partnership with Bazaarvoice, while consumers are increasingly comfortable with marketers using their personal data for targeted advertising that is relevant to them, marketers are still struggling to deliver ...

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Be an ADEPT Traveler     $50 US*

With billions of travelers exploring key global destinations every year, destination marketers and travel service providers are seeking to deliver better experiences and reduce irritation, consternation and aggravation. According to new research from the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and its GeoBranding Center, in partnership with AIG Travel and Travelzoo, the travel process - from ...

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Building Brands That Attract + Engage Fans     $50 US*

How do consumer brands stay relevant, authentic and differentiated in a rapidly evolving and culturally complex global market? With 195 countries and 6,500 languages around the world, the challenge is daunting as brands seek new methods and motivators to connect and engage with audiences through social, mobile, experiential, digital advertising and eCommerce channels...

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Gaining Traction Through Each Customer Interaction     $50 US*

Despite marketing’s best intentions and desire to deliver on the promise of customer centricity, many of us are stymied by gaps and deficiencies across the people, processes and platforms that are powering our customer interactions. In fact, in a recent study, the CMO Council found that marketers across Asia-Pacific admitted that their back-office systems were not enabling their brands to ...

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Context, Commerce + Customer     $50 US*

While digital marketing technologies and engagement channels multiply, many marketers remain concerned that they are still not delivering what customers want most: a seamless, frictionless and individualized buying and problem-solving experience...

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The Purpose-Built Experience     Free Report

Despite the understanding that the desire to create customer-centric experiences is driving marketing, marketers are still struggling to achieve true customer experience success. In fact, 73 percent of marketers surveyed by the CMO Council stated that customer centricity was critical to the success of the business, but 41 percent indicated that their lack of customer-centric experiences had ...

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Making Personalization Possible     Free Report

Clicks, views, posts, shares and visits have taken a back seat to acquisition, retention and revenue growth as core measures of customer experience and engagement success, reports the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council. According to a new study conducted with Microsoft Corp., marketers are de-prioritizing digital campaign metrics in favor of business-focused measurements that more directly tie ...

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Predicting Routes to Revenue     Free Report

While there is an over-abundance of consumer data and analytics, marketers have yet to master what meteorologists and economists do best: funnel this multiplicity of data into actionable insights to reliably anticipate and predict what’s ahead and then prepare for it...

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CMO Shift to Gaining Business Lift Background Presentation     Free Report

This presentation explores background research sourced by the CMO Council, Deloitte, and third parties to provides additional context to our latest initiative, "The CMO Shift to Gaining Business Lift" in three main exploratory research areas...

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How Global Voices Shape Travel Choices     $50 US*

A plethora of global incidents have made headlines this past year—including terrorist attacks, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, regional conflict, political upheaval, crime or civil unrest, airline tragedies and cruise line accidents and food safety issues—that have impacted travel plans, schedules and intentions. News coverage, social media postings and government warnings have ...

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Mapping Monetization     Free Report

The CMO Council recently partnered with Vindicia, the leaders in payment and billing solutions, to host a series of executive roundtables to discuss new paths to revenue and the challenges to monetization optimization. The number one issue that marketers found most challenging to overcome: FEAR...

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Asia Pacific Digital Factbook 2015     Free Report

The new Asia Pacific Digital Factbook 2015, provides statistics and trends about mobile, web, social media, eCommerce, video, advertising, search, apps and just about every aspect of this region’s online marketing ecosystem...

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APAC Digital Marketing Performance Dashboard 2015     $50 US*

The CMO Council and Adobe have partnered once again for our fourth annual study into the state of digital marketing across the Asia-Pacific region. This study reviews the state of adoption, readiness and maturity of organizations in Asia who are working to meet the demands of today’s digital customer, and it also provides comparisons to previous years’ studies to benchmark and measure ...

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Activating the New American Mainstream     Free Report

This study—entitled “Activating the New American Mainstream”—addresses the necessity of reaching these critical customer segments that are quickly becoming the new mainstream consumers in America. According to a 10-question survey of 150 North America-based senior marketing executives, 67 percent reveal that their CMO has a high level of buy-in and support for multicultural...

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Brand Attraction From Enriched Interaction     $50 US*

This report reveals that marketers still lag in creating multi-channel, digital marketing campaigns that reach and resonate with diverse, micro-audiences worldwide. Only 19 percent said they are extremely good or very good in this area. In contrast, 45 percent gave lackluster grades on their ability to captivate and engage customers, partners and employees through fully integrated mobile, web and ...

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Total View for Total Engagement     Free Report

For a previous study by the CMO Council (titled “Better Traction From Smarter SMB Interaction”), some 70 percent of the 184 total respondents revealed that the SMB market is an extremely important market for their businesses, with only 5 percent of marketers feeling that the market was not important at all. Looking toward the future, 66 percent anticipated an increase in SMB focus, ...

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From Creativity to Content     Free Report

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but marketers have not turned a strategic lens on optimizing the return from their visual media content investments. While 65 percent of senior marketing executives believe visual assets are core to how their brand story is communicated, a scant 27 percent have the ability to aggregate, organize and manage these assets across marketing and non-marketing ...

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The Path Forward     Free Report

This strategic report from the CMO Council and Ebiquity suggests that as budgets increase to fund digital marketing campaigns and more personalized customer engagement, marketers now need additional expertise in data analytics, content creation and channel proliferation to improve ROI...

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Lead Flow That Helps You Grow     $50 US*

Call it a lead, opportunity or prospect. No matter what the term, sales organizations can never get enough new business contacts from their marketing groups. The question is how wisely they are used and whether that new point of customer access is qualified, primed and ready to write orders.This detailed study from the CMO Council and the Content ROI Center finds that most companies are struggling...

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Making the Workplace a Brand-Defining Space     $50 US*

Produced in partnership with CultureSphere and Executive Networks Inc., this CMO Council report explores where and how marketing and HR leaders are collaborating on new ways to organizationally reinforce and reflect their brand values and qualities. It looks at social media strategies and techniques currently being embraced by leading consumer brands to recruit and retain Millennial workers, build...

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APAC Digital Directions     Free Report

Conducted in partnership with Adobe, this report highlights that while improvements are clearly being made when it comes to digital, APAC marketers are still largely focused on single-vector metrics that measure past success or single points of campaign performance, and they are typically not measuring impact on harder business metrics, such as sales pipeline measurement or customer lifetime value...

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The State of Digital Brand Advertising     Free Report

For three years, the CMO Council partnered with Nielsen to survey brands, agencies and media publishers to learn more about how—and where—they’re spending advertising dollars. The latest resulting white paper—titled “The State of Digital Brand Advertising”—takes a detailed look at the steps marketers are taking as they strive to maximize the impact of ...

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Best Practices in Engaging Mobile Customers     Free Report

As part of a recent study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and SAS—titled “Getting in Sync With Mobile Customers”—leading marketers shared their insights around mobile as a critical component within the marketing toolkit through a quantitative survey. This research found that mobile can be a real game-changer for marketers who create a full strategy around it ...

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Getting in Sync With Mobile Customers     Free Report

With mobile device dependency central to today’s digital lifestyles, enlightened brands are creating new mobile relationship marketing strategies that go well beyond simple app and mobile advertising delivery. In this study from the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, conducted in partnership with SAS, we found that 61 percent of marketers surveyed reveal they have deployed some form of ...

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APAC Digital Marketing Performance Dashboard 2014     Free Report

The 2014 digital dashboard has found that countries such as Australia, India and Singapore are pulling away with strong executive support and digital champions while South Korea, China and Hong Kong struggle with executive support and skill shortages. It also found that marketers are not moving beyond more basic measurements. Asked whether they are measuring throughout the life of campaigns, only ...

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Quantify How Well You Unify     $50 US*

This report explores how well chief marketers are taking ownership of digital marketing technology strategies and to what degree they are unifying and extracting value from multiplying customer data sources. The 38-page report summarizes the quantitative insights of 150 senior marketers and highlights insights from qualitative interviews with leading marketers at Wells Fargo, Charles Schwab, ...

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Mastering Adaptive Customer Engagements     $50 US*

How customer-centric is your organization? Better yet, how customer-centric do your customers believe your organization is? The answers may surprise you. According to new research by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, only 14 percent of marketers say that customer centricity is a hallmark of their companies, and only 11 percent believe their customers would agree with that characterization...

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Grow From the Right Intro     $50 US*

More than ever, businesses must rely on strategic partnering to grow revenue, acquire customers, expand market reach and innovate products, services and customer experiences. But many are struggling to get it right. This report examines the state of partnering in today’s fast-changing, global marketplace. The study sheds new light into the motivations, rewards, pitfalls and proven practices ...

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State of Marketing 2014     $50 US*

The "State of Marketing"—the most valued annual study by the CMO Council—provides an in-depth view of global marketing vitality and direction and serves as a valuable resource tool to help calibrate, prioritize and make a business case for marketing investments. The benchmark report is based on a 50-point assessment taken by more than 525 senior-level marketers from around the globe. ...

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CMO Compensation     $50 US*

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council’s new “CMO Compensation Report” tells all you need to know about chief marketer compensation, with 36 pages of analytics and insights drawn from a survey of 345 chief marketers around the world. It is the first and most defining analysis of senior marketer salary, benefits, bonuses, incentives and perks published to date...

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Localize to Globalize     Free Report

In this age of the customer-defined experience, language and how we present content to our customers can mean the difference between rejection and transaction. While much focus has been placed on the channels through which content can be delivered, less attention has been paid to the complex challenges associated with adapting, packaging and translating content for different audiences, cultures ...

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Real Insight: Real Time     Free Report

Two CMO Council Dinner Dialogue events were held in early 2014 in New York and Los Angeles to discuss the intersection of social, content and business performance. With marketers from brands like Sirius XM, Harper Collins, Johnson & Johnson, Macy’s, NBA, Live Nation, Paramount, Honda and many more in attendance, it was clear that the organizations were all at different stages in their ...

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Ambush Marketing     $50 US*

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) released "Ambush Marketing: A Global Legal Perspective," which summarizes laws and other rules governing ambush marketing in 52 countries around the world. Ambush marketing, a controversial marketing practice that pits non-sponsors against rights holders, is as prevalent as ever as marketers seek to associate themselves, rightly or wrongly, with ...

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Best Practices in Mobile Relationship Marketing and Engagement: Capitalizing on Mobile Relationship Opportunities     Free Report

While global consumers have been quick to adopt an immersive mobile lifestyle, marketers have been a bit more cautious about fully committing to mobile relationship marketing (MRM). More brands are launching apps or are establishing mobile-enabled content, but few are looking at the totality of the mobile relationship and fully integrating it into the overarching marketing strategy...

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The Content Connection to Vendor Selection     Free Report

This strategic brief includes findings from a survey of 352 senior-level B2B buyers, influencers and decision makers and features insights into the effectiveness of marketing content in generating value for customers. It also includes qualitative findings of interviews conducted with marketing executives at IBM, Allegro Development, AppNexus, CA Technologies and more. It provides an in-depth, well...

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Maximize How You Individualize     $50 US*

Digital engagement has flourished in Asia, now home to more than 40 percent of the world’s Internet population. Social media, as a key example, has grown at the rate of 10 million new registered users per month. However, most critical to brands is that consumers across APJ are not just registering on social media channels, but they are actually engaging with brands and each other. According ...

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Turning Social Feeds Into Business Leads     Free Report

“Turning Social Feeds Into Business Leads,” developed in partnership with hoojook, Inc., argues that the auto industry ecosystem should do more to leverage social media as a platform for driving business leads into sales pipelines. Based on interviews with senior marketers and executives from auto manufacturers, dealer networks, aftermarket service providers and B2B automotive ...

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Best Practices in Big Data and Engagement     Free Report

This white paper is the first in a four-part series, which looks at how leading brands are turning big data into actionable customer insights and engagements. Featured are two best-practice studies in which both brands are truly innovating and activating big data analytics to create some of the most relevant and profitable experiences with their customers...

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Business Traction From Smarter SMB Interaction     $50 US*

Two out of three big business brands are planning to increase their focus and investment in engaging small to medium-sized business (SMB) customers over the next 12 to 36 months, according to this study from the CMO Council and Penton, a leading business information services company. However, these marketers admit to shortcomings in their ability to access customer data, intelligence and critical ...

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Destination 2017     Free Report

Building a fully connected customer experience requires marketers to have a complete, 360-degree view of the customer. In addition, customers expect transparency and value from the brands with whom they choose to do business, and this requires marketers to have customer intelligence and data that enable them to meet customers' expectations of seamless and highly personalized engagements. And as ...

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APAC Digital Marketing Performance Dashboard 2013     $50 US*

Building on the findings of our study in 2012, this research seeks to identify where marketers are making improvements in their digital marketing efforts in APAC, as well as where challenges still exist...

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Japan Digital Marketing Performance Dashboard 2013     $50 US*

The rapidly evolving nature of digital marketing presents increased challenges across Asia-Pacific and Japan, with many marketers struggling to integrate digital components in a way that is efficient, effective and measurable. This research seeks to identify how marketers are progressing in their digital marketing efforts in Japan, as well as where challenges still exist...

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Know More to Grow More     $50 US*

Conducted in partnership with Dun & Bradstreet, this report identifies a number of gaps in the customer intelligence process and underscores the importance of arming front-line resources with alerts and insights to capitalize on moments of opportunity. And while marketers agree that the provision of this intelligence is important, only 21 percent of those surveyed feel equipped to provide this...

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Challenger Brands in Emerging Markets     $50 US*

Many emerging market multi-nationals are category innovators, market disruptors and opportunistic acquirers of entrenched Western brands. They use frugal design, lean production, new technology, large cash coffers, and economies of scale from contract manufacturing and robust local markets to compete with slow moving and less agile incumbents. What challenges do they face and what strategies are ...

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Advancing Analytics     Free Report

The demand for a marketing intelligence engine that can aggregate data and deliver the facts marketers need to create more engaging customer experiences has never been greater. Marketers must reach their customers with real-time, relevant messages through the customers’ preferred channels to meet their ever-evolving needs and be able to sort through the wealth of data without having it ...

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BtoB Content Impacts Customer Thinking & Buying Decisions     $50 US*

According to a report released by the CMO Council, 87 percent of B2B buyers say online content has a major or moderate impact on vendor selection. Of those surveyed, 28 percent share valued content with more than 100 colleagues, with email being the most used method for sharing online content...

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Better Lead Yield in the Content Marketing Field     Free Report

Vendor content frequently lacks value and trustworthiness in the eyes of BtoB buyers, who are increasingly turning to more trusted, peer-driven sources of  content along their path to purchase, according to the CMO Council's Content ROI Center. This white paper includes the results of a survey of more than 400 BtoB buyers and content seekers around the world who were reached through NetLine ...

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Customer Attainment From Event Engagement     $50 US*

While events and trade shows are still a vital part of the marketing and customer engagement mix, senior marketers remain challenged to identify effective methods to measure and prove ROI, according to this CMO Council study, conducted in partnership with the Exhibit & Event Marketers Association. Further complicating this scenario is that events and trade shows have largely remained isolated ...

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2013 Online Advertising Performance Outlook     Free Report

According to the McKinsey Quarterly, “the rapid growth of online advertising hides a serious challenge: the digital world has developed faster than the tools needed to measure it. This problem has made it difficult for marketers to fully exploit the web’s promise as the most targeted and measurable medium in the history of marketing…Hobbled by nascent ...

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Big Data's Biggest Role: Aligning the CMO & CIO     Free Report

The CMO Council, along with partner SAS, set out to better understand the key challenges, opportunities and requirements that both CMOs and CIOs were facing in their journey to develop a more customer-centric enterprise. Through the research, what has emerged is a picture of alignment around platform and technology, as well as the opportunity for even deeper connections around data and ...

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Brand Automation for Local Activation     $50 US*

Through an online quantitative audit of senior marketers regarding the mandates, challenges and opportunities presented in localization, the CMO Council set out to identify where and how marketing mindsets must shift to best capitalize on local potential. The audit of 296 senior marketers was conducted between November 2012 and February 2013. Best-practice leaders from brands including Arby’...

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MRM Year In Review     Free Report

As marketers look to understand, test, leverage, exploit and measure mobile advertising, there is also a call for best practices in how this integrates with both online and offline customer acquisition and relationship-building initiatives. To answer this call, the CMO Council identified a collection of brand leaders for this whitepaper, which also includes media consumption insights gathered by ...

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Profitability From Subscriber Acuity     $50 US*

The CMO Council, through a series of qualitative interviews with leading CSP marketers and an in-depth online audit involving 222 senior marketers at global CSP companies, set out to better understand where behavior-based experiences and decision making—including the development of new pricing models and partnership opportunities—could positively impact the customer experience while ...

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State of Marketing 2012 Report Cover

State of Marketing 2012     $50 US*

The outlook is distinctly positive for marketers as executives head into 2013 with renewed confidence in their roles and business performance. Despite a varied and mixed outlook for the global economy, chief marketers report positive outlooks for their roles and functional areas. Nearly 70 percent received a salary or bonus in 2011, and 73 percent expect the same at the end of this year depending ...

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Engage at Every Stage: Using Mobile Relationship Marketing (MRM) to Put More Interaction in the Hands of the Customer     $50 US*

The desire to engage at every stage of the customer lifecycle has always been the unrealized goal of savvy marketers, but this may no longer be the case. Marketers are putting mobile interaction in the hands of consumers and finding clever, gratifying ways to add value to every aspect of the brand experience, reports the CMO Council, but some challenges still remain.Detailed in the full report are...

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Integrate to Accelerate Digital Marketing Value     $50 US*

Most corporate management teams are fully supportive of digital marketing investments, with 20 percent of marketers stating they have a mandate and budget to execute, 42 percent saying they have strong interest and active support at a LOB level, and 18 percent noting it is an agenda item they have to address with their CEO, CIO, and CFO...

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Whats Critical in the Telecommunications Vertical     $50 US*

This installment of the CMO Council's "What's Critical in the Vertical" series, in partnership with Ricoh, provides key insights into the factors driving loyalty and defection in the telecommunications industry based on data gathered from 1,660-plus global consumers and 147 senior marketers...

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Advancing Customer Intelligence in APAC     Free Report

This report explores how companies, specifically those with a presence in Asia-Pacific, can engage with customers in a more valuable way by being more adept at big data analytics. Not surprisingly, marketers report being overwhelmed by growing volumes of customer data and are still playing catch-up in the social media-driven, mobile device-dependent Asia- Pacific market. Download the full report ...

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More Gain, Less Strain     $50 US*

Just 9 percent of senior marketers believe traditional ad agencies are doing a good job of evolving and extending their service capabilities in the digital age, in contrast to 22 percent who view their agencies as struggling to transition their business models and service offerings. Another 51 percent of the 250-plus senior marketers surveyed in the CMO Council study see their agencies as playing ...

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Delivering Positive Impressions During Market Depressions     $50 US*

As the global financial crisis and US credit rating downgrade took grip, banks of all sizes were challenged to leverage and activate custom media channels to reassure, engage, inform, advise, and notify customers, stakeholders, and investors. Quick response to ever-changing conditions and market gyrations required nimble content provisioning and adept use of digital media channels for rapid ...

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The Social Consumer Brand Compatibility Model     $50 US*

Social media has become one of the biggest, most dynamic parts of marketing. Brands across every vertical are scrambling to make up ground and develop and implement digital marketing strategies. While some brands scored huge early wins and established themselves as digital leaders, most marketers are still searching for how social channels can work for their companies and how they fit with the ...

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Variance in the Social Brand Experience     $50 US*

The CMO Council set out to take a closer look at the state of affairs in the busy two-way street of social media marketing from both points of view: the consumer’s and the marketer’s. We surveyed 132 senior marketers and more than 1,200 consumers on the subject of social media, asking each how and why they are currently using it, what they get out of it, and what they’d like...

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Localize to Optimize Sales Channel Effectiveness     $50 US*

Localized marketing has become a critical area of strategic focus and competitive advantage for brands. Yet, just 12 percent of marketers believe they have highly evolved campaigns and analytics on a local level in contrast to nearly 50 percent who see themselves as underperforming or needing new strategic thinking and capability development in local marketing. In this study &...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Global Banking     $50 US*

The latest report in the "Critical in the Vertical" series showcases research from more than 1,200 consumers and delves into the needs, expectations, and pain points of banking’s retail market. It also includes insight from over 120 senior-level marketers from around the globe, who outline where and how banks should invest, communicate, and address consumer concerns. (Published: 2001...

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Promotion Commotion     $50 US*

The CMO Council interviewed 113 front-line managers, sales executives, and field marketing managers to assess their perspective of marketing materials. While almost everyone agreed that point-of-purchase materials and marketing consumables are persuasive at the point of sale, the management of these tools, from creation to distribution and implementation, is too often overlooked. Download the ...

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The 2011 State of Marketing     Free Report

Say goodbye to “Random Acts of Marketing” as integration, alignment, visibility and return on investment (ROI) all top the list of requirements for marketing performance improvement through 2011. Among the priorities, marketers intend to add a one-two-punch of marketing analytics talent coupled with strategic planning and business development experience to better target, segment and ...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Utilities     $50 US*

Generating loyalty at a time when consumers are making active decisions over which bills to pay makes marketing within the utility space an ever-changing and challenging role. The CMO Council interviewed over 1,000 utility consumers and 100 utility marketers to get an understanding of needs, requirements and sentiment. The end product? 30 pages of insight into customer engagement, advocacy and ...

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Renovate to Innovate     $50 US*

As businesses in every industry work to transform themselves, CMOs are being tasked with driving the bottom line as business strategists. No longer just brand managers, marketing executives are now hired as change agents and decision-makers. The CMO Council sat down with over 20 newly appointed CMOs and delved into the challenges and nuances of their role. In addition to these interviews, the ...

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Making Sense of Subscriber Complexity     $50 US*

Managing the challenge of subscriber complexity and choice in communications and media markets now represents one of the most critical business imperatives facing service providers worldwide. Subscriber expectations are exploding around value, features, services, pricing, quality, convenience, user control, and personalization – with more opportunities than ever to switch allegiances to both...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Retail Banking In Australia     $50 US*

Only 15 percent of marketers in Australia’s $2.5 trillion banking sector feel confident they have sufficient insights into customer profitability, value and retention. While Australia remained on steady footing through the global recession, bank marketers now face a younger, smarter banking customer with a desire for greater digital interaction and online engagement. The complimentary paper...

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A Straight Line To The Front Line     $50 US*

Growth and recovery are at the top of every executive’s to-do list as we head into a postrecessionary economy. This mandate has placed increasing pressure on Sales to close business and on Marketing to fill the pipeline with quality leads. And while the riff between Marketing and Sales is certainly nothing new, it has taken on a new direction that has a direct and immediate impact on the ...

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Unify to Multiply     $50 US*

Marketing must embrace the mandate for real-time adaptive marketing. Yet, in today’s increasingly complex, distributed and digitally driven marketing ecosystem global marketers are being challenged to better integrate and manage data, best of breed solutions, creative resources, brand assets and go-to-market functions. Becoming more agile at exploiting opportunities, pre-empting issues or ...

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Competitive Gain In The Demand Chain     $50 US*

Go-to-market is a business critical, highly complex, and carefully sequenced process today. However, there can be multiple points of disruption, distress and deficiency in this ecosystem, which is essential to value creation and competitive advantage for any consumer or business marketer. But, this study finds that far too many marketing executives have never assessed demand chain performance, nor...

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The CMO-CIO Alignment Imperative: Driving Revenue through Customer Relevance     $50 US*

In today's business climate of exponential information growth and technology dependency, this authority leadership campaign will leverage and aggregate insights from key IT and marketing stakeholders to address the need for tighter alignment and collaboration between these functional groups. Yet, according to this new report from the CMO Council and Accenture, "The CMO-CIO Alignment Imperative: ...

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Understanding the Critical Factors to Achieving Marketing Supply Chain Operational Effectiveness and Optimization     $50 US*

There is an epidemic that threatens the optimized Marketing Supply Chain. As Marketers seek to provide the most timely, fresh and of-the-moment content to customers and channel alike, old, over-ordered or un-utilized materials tend to be stored, destroyed or ignored, left to sit an occupy costly space in offices to warehouses. High levels of waste can generally be attributed to limited access to ...

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What's Critical In the Vertical: Insurance     $50 US*

There is some great news for marketers in the insurance space: your customers are ready, willing and able to learn more about what you do and how you can become more involved in their lives. This may simplify the news, but according to the consumers surveyed for What's Critical in the Insurance Vertical, 21 percent of consumers who received information about additional products or services ...

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Mobile Relationship Marketing     Free Report

As the most pervasive channel of communications and targeted engagement on the planet, the mobile phone reaches more than 5 billion users globally. The mobile channel is an unprecedented opportunity to reach both developed consumer markets in new an intrusive way, and developing regions that cater to a previously untapped, unreachable, and unbanked mass of humanity. The Big Brands Embrace the Move...

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Variance in The Tech Experience     $50 US*

The digitally dependent consumer is increasingly overwhelmed and upset with technical glitches and problems in their daily lives.  While the threats and complications with computers are on the rise, customer technical support has not kept pace to address the needs of a growing population of computer users that are highly dependent upon their device as part of their daily lives...

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State of Marketing 2010     $50 US*

The CMO Council State of Marketing Report, featuring the 2010 Marketing Outlook Audit, is the largest annual independent assessment of senior marketing executives today. This annual global benchmarking initiative undertaken by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council, gains insights into how senior marketing decision makers are managing marketing mix modeling, budget allocations and media mix ...

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Why Relevance Drives Response and Relationships     $50 US*

In this CMO Council report marketers identified critical tactics and strategies to deepening engagement. Nearly 60 percent said they intend to improve customer segmentation, profiling and targeting, while 30 percent reported they were embracing more personalized, multi-channel communications across all customer touch points. However, only 15 percent of marketers believe their companies are ...

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Leveraging Loyalty to Transform Publishing     $50 US*

As marketers look for new channels of customer engagement, magazine advertising has been a casualty as online opportunities from ereaders to online publications become more cost-effective and trackable options. However, in this consumer survey, we see that customers aren't quite ready to abandon their magazines and they are certainly not ready for an onslaught of iPad-vertising to interrupt their ...

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Bringing Social Security to the Online Community     Free Report

A crucial concern for many users is security, a CMO Council survey (in process) of online social network users and trusted business group participants, shows that social networks worry about their personal data being stolen, spam, phishing, accepting third-party application invites, etc. Protecting personal, professional, and corporate reputations is a growing concern as well as the attraction to ...

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Define Where to Streamline     $50 US*

Sponsored by:NVISION®...

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Losing Loyalty     $50 US*

Consumer defection and lapsed loyalty are rampant among major consumer packaged goods brands, a problem that is only worsening in the current recession. A study by the CMO Council, conducted with Catalina Marketing's Pointer Media Network, provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis the defection dilemma among CPG brands. The study underscores the critical need for brands to more ...

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Bottom Line From The Front Line     $50 US*

Driving the Bottom Line from the Front Line addresses the challenges facing global companies in their quest to develop world-class go-to-market capabilities. The study represents a "scorecard" that highlights an alarming trend among multinational companies: marketing and sales leaders give themselves decidedly poor marks when assessing their own go-to-market effectiveness. (Published: 2008...

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Protection From Brand Infection     $50 US*

Sophisticated and savvy online brand extortionists and cyber scammers are boldly preying on unsuspecting consumers with bogus brand name email/websites, deals and inducements that entrap, extort and expose consumers to financial loss, identity theft, and viral infection. Offline, global and organized counterfeiting operations fueled by the down economy are flooding the market with knock-offs and ...

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Marketing Outlook 2009     Free Report

Customer anxiety and cutbacks are the biggest factors influencing marketing budget allocation in 2009, reports the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council in its annual Marketing Outlook study. Despite a restrained economy, however, marketers see budgets holding up fairly well with dollars being stringently controlled and directed against growing and retaining market share...

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Calibrate How You Operate     $50 US*

Profitable customer relationships are the lifeblood of any commercial enterprise. Yet companies do a decidedly poor job of nurturing, cultivating or even reactivating customers in order to drive sustained revenue growth, loyalty and bottom line performance. Marketers are flying blind when it comes to leveraging customer data and analytics. Few companies look within their own data silos to extract ...

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Giving Customer Voice More Volume     $50 US*

Customer experience is still very much a work in progress for senior marketers who participated in this study, fielded in late 2008. Despite overwhelming agreement on the importance of customer experience and word-of-mouth, the admit their companies are failing to take decisive, company-wide action to integrate customer voice and experience into key business and marketing processes. Sponsored...

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The Leaders In Loyalty     $50 US*

Customer loyalty and rewards programs are everywhere – it seems like every brand has one and the average consumer is carrying a handful of laminated cards from big retailers alongside a few hole-punched printed cards from their neighborhood burrito palace or dry cleaner. Yet, through the CMO Council’s research in The Leaders in Loyalty: Feeling the Love from the Loyalty Club these ...

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Track The Yack     $50 US*

The Track the Yack voice of customer (VOC) study, part of the CMO Council's Reinvent Mobile campaign, gathered nearly 10,000 distinct sentiments based on some 4,000 online conversations between mobile PC users to analyze the preferences of today's diverse digital user base worldwide. Analysis of the consumer-generated conversations examines user perceptions, preferences, satisfaction levels and ...

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Routes to Revenue     $50 US*

Routes to Revenue benchmarked the state of customer revenue realization, encouraging the adoption and the uses of technologies, solutions and professional services that drive deeper interaction and communication with customers...in one of the most challenged financial times. With fielding of the study starting on the day that Leihman's Brothers closed and financial collapse was immenent, ...

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Perfect How You Project     $50 US*

The Perfect How You Project survey of over 340 financial professionals revealed that executives and financial staff, from a broad industry spectrum of small, medium and large companies, unanimously agreed that budgeting, forecasting and reporting are essential or very important to their business success. However, over 65 percent admitted they are not agile or adaptive in their financial practices...

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Discovering The Pivotal Point Consumer     $50 US*

A study of American consumer shopping behavior designed to provide fresh and actionable insight, backed by detailed data, to help Consumer Packaged Goods marketers and retailers better understand and address the global challenge of fragmentation and the need for precision marketing. Conducted by Catalina Marketing's Pointer Media Network, in conjunction with the CMO Council, the study unmasks the ...

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Variance in Customer Experience     $50 US*

What would you learn if you sent out customers to experience every touchpoint of your brand? In this CMO Council study, consumers were sent out to do just that...from brand-owned and controlled channels to channel partners, local points of sale, advertising and even sponsored events. What was assessed was the clarity and consistency of message, brand and vision. Brands thought to be most valued ...

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Mastering the CLOSE: New York     Free Report

On January 22, 2008, 30 sales and marketing executives gathered at Columbia University to convene the first in a series of six global workshops focused on the alignment of sales and marketing as a vehicle to optimize sales effectiveness and, ultimately, drive business growth. Attendees spanned industries as diverse as financial services (represented by American Express and HSBC) to high tech (...

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CLOSE: Scenarios and Solutions     $50 US*

In any sizeable company, the functions of marketing and sales are crucial to success. No matter the product or service, marketing must drive programs that stimulate demand and sales must develop and mazimize opportunities. Successful execution of these functions has always been challenging, hinging on the sometimes strained and troubled relationship between sales and marketing. The Chief Marketing...

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Closing the Gap     $50 US*

Global businesses continue to suffer from a seemingly unbridgeable divide between their marketing and sales teams—a gap which undermines two of the most important competencies necessary to generate demand, capture revenue and gain competitive advantage. The traditional relationship between sales, marketing and channel groups tends to be more antagonistic than synergistic. Even in those ...

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Mastering the CLOSE: Paris     Free Report

Paris in the springtime. Picturesque. Romantic. Collaborative? CLOSE selected Paris as the sixth and final venue of its six-month global think tank junket. Over the course of six months, the CLOSE workshops gathered some of the most open, honest, eager and seasoned sales and marketing executives the world has to offer. The Paris contingent proved yet again that while the divide between sales and ...

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Mastering The CLOSE: Palo Alto     Free Report

The needs, challenges and expectations of America’s high tech companies is not brought into clearer (and harsher) focus than in the Silicon Valley. Through its history of bubbles that burst and companies whose future hinged on sales in an era of giant marketing and media spend simply can not be hidden. And through it all, the region continued to remain relatively small and insulated. Sales ...

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Business Gain From How You Retain     $50 US*

Business Gain From How You Retain examines ways companies can improve the return on customer equity and lifetime value by making customer insight, understanding and intimacy a hallmark of the organization. The study assesses the degree to which major global brands are unifying and centralizing customer data, undertaking effective marketing analytics, embracing advanced segmentation strategies, and...

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Mastering the CLOSE: Brazil     Free Report

In late 2007, the CMO Council set up a membership organization, CLOSE: The Coalition to Leverage and Optimize Sales Effectiveness, to convene sales and marketing to discuss the importance and best practices of aligning the two functions. A major part of the effort is a dedicated website – closebiz.org – that features the latest academic and field research, real-time news and ...

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Mastering the CLOSE: Sydney     Free Report

The CLOSE workshop world tour found it’s way to Sydney, Australia to learn about the challenges, successes and aspirations of sales and marketing executives. This stop of the global tour was intended to tap into the insights of the Asia Pacific. However, it is important to note that Australia is essentially a market in and of itself. It is a mature market, with distinct needs and ...

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The Power of Personalization     $50 US*

Personalized marketing techniques are still in the early stages of being integrated into most company's marketing campaigns and budgets. While the need for quantifiable tools for gauging effectivenes and ROI Exist, marketiers are lagging in their adoption due to the lack of accurage and reliable customer data sources. These are two of the top findings from the "Power of Personalization" research. ...

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Marketing Outlook 2008     Free Report

The CMO Council released the findings of its annual Marketing Outlook survey with an upbeat report on spend levels mostly holding steady or trending upward in 2008. Many marketers say they are frustrated and stymied by organization cultures, senior management mindset, and insufficient budgets. More than 800 senior marketers across all global regions responded to the CMO Council audit, which looked...

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Mastering the CLOSE: London     Free Report

In late 2007 the CMO Council set up a membership organization, CLOSE: The Coalition to Leverage and Optimize Sales Effectiveness, to bring both sales and marketing to the table to discuss the importance and best practices of aligning sales and marketing efforts. A major part of the effort is a dedicated website – closebiz.org – that features the latest academic and field research in ...

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Profitability from Customer Affinity     $50 US*

Profitability from Customer Affinity is a cooperative initiative developed from business schools, top market and customer relationship executives, designed to help marketers better understand how to manage the customer experience and improve return on account and customer relationships...

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Channel Performance Outlook 2008     $50 US*

This report examines indirect sales channel-centric dynamics and issues, gleaned from input from 500 indirect sales channel executives, distributors, resellers and other channel representatives. In particular, it examines the relationship between the sales channel and vendors, and its impact on business leads and revenue generation. This includes the extent of sales collaboration between vendors ...

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Call Center Exposure: Limiting Leaks and Peeks     $50 US*

With an estimated 100,000 call centers employing nearly 7.5 million workers handling an average of 1,708,379 calls per center per year, the opportunity for information leakage and data corruption is staggering.  For many companies, the call center is the first direct touch point to the consumer, and often an opportunity to access a consumer’s personal information...

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Competition at the Crossroads: Strategic Planning and Action in Disruptive Markets     Free Report

The new study by Deloitte and BPM Forum finds that companies are having difficulty anticipating market change and are limited in their capacity to make effective course-correcting action, in large part due to insufficient investment in strategic planning, getting the right information and having the required talent that can look beyond today's sales, profitability, current products, customers and ...

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Define and Align the CMO     $50 US*

The CMO Council is frequently asked by the media, executive recruiters and CEOs to define the essential qualities and attributes of a successful marketing officer. To achieve this we have partnered with a professional services company called 'Bluprints™' to assist us in a globally inclusive process to systematically decipher a distinct Formula for Success - exclusive to the CMO community...

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Marketing Outlook 2007     $50 US*

This groundbreaking study uncovers the further changes executives plan to make in 2007 to upgrade organizational effectiveness, strengthen customer engagement and achieve even greater measurability. Most marketers say they will have larger budgets in 2007 to accomplish these goals. The 2007 Marketing Outlook study is the first in this annual benchmark study undertaken by the CMO Council...

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The Global Mobile Mindset     $50 US*

The Global Mobile Mindset Audit is the most comprehensive research effort ever undertaken to understand the needs, intentions and issues surrounding the purchase and use of mobile technology and services worldwide. Conducted by the CMO Council's Forum to Advance the Mobile Experience (FAME) and powered by Global Market Insite, Inc. (GMI), the audit surveyed nearly 15,000 consumers in 37 countries...

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Remote Revolution     $50 US*

By the end of 2005, the world's mobile and remote workforce jad expanded rapidly, companies are increasingly grappling with tough questions about how to best support, secure and empower their workers. Employee expectations were on the rise for ubiquitous real-time access to messaging and data, and 24/7 support for the devices and applications that can help deliver it. This study ...

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Comply on the Fly     $50 US*

The collective findings of Comply on the Fly point to a nascent but increasingly pervasive imperative for ensuring corporate accountability and fiscal integrity. As company growth and competitive pressures accelerate adoption and use of mobile devices by the workforce, the chance of deploying such devices without proper guidelines, policies, processes and procedures, leading to a lack of adequate ...

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Secure the Trust of Your Brand     $50 US*

There has been little research into how broadly such incidences are eroding consumers’ trust in brands. This is the impetus for Secure the Trust of Your Brand™, a major thought leadership initiative fielded by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council. This comprehensive research effort is designed to better understand the degree to which information security, business continuity, and ...

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Accelerate How You Differentiate     $50 US*

Is your company an alert enterprise? The ability to quickly identify and respond to market and operational risks and opportunities is a major competitive advantage, and one in which information technology is playing an increasingly important role. The need for companies to become Alert Enterprises is forcing management to take a serious look at internal structures, cultures and capabilities. This ...

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Select and Connect     $50 US*

Select & Connect: Strategies for Targeted Acquisition and Retention explores the strategies, processes and methodologies to achieve maximum customer acquisition, retention and profitability. It also examines the marketing organization's level of customer knowledge, as well as the segmentation approaches used to target and acquire top prospects and profitable opportunities. By revealing pain ...

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Targeting with Texting: The Value of Just In Time Mobile Messaging     $50 US*

According to professionals across a wide range of industries, text messaging has blossomed into a critical mechanism for enterprises and organizations as a means of instant, effective and affordable alerts. Text messaging, the practice of sending short messages to mobile devices, is enabling enterprises and governments to instantly send urgent alerts and notifications to support customer service, ...

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Market Viligance, Product Diligence     $50 US*

Competitive global forces and factors are pressuring technology companies to constantly monitor, calibrate and adjust product development, build and delivery in the face of continuous and often unpredictable demand and supply chain dynamics. Adaptive pricing, agile response to competitive moves, effective stewardship of individual products, as well as astute management of product portfolios have ...

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RetailFluency     $50 US*

The CMO Council, in partnership with The ConsumerEdge Research Group, surveyed retail shoppers at three consumer electronics stores in four U.S. markets to study the impact of the Internet on in-store purchasing behavior. While the findings represent a single snapshot of consumer behavior, they paint a clear and dramatic picture of the shifting landscape of media influence. The Internet is ...

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Define What's Valued Online     $50 US*

By 2005, just as consumers were flocking to the Internet to research vacation destinations or new cars, buyers of B2B technology had also turned to the Web to research IT products, services and solutions. In fact, the majority of technology buyers were using the Internet as their primary resource for purchasing decisions. The Define What’s Valued Online explores online ...

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Crunch Time: Global Competitiveness     $50 US*

Conducted in late 2004 and early 2005, Crunch Time serves as a benchmark for the ever-increasing challenges of global competition. At the time, if you were an executive in the North American high technology or telecommunications industries, there was a high probability you felt the heat of increasing global competition. Yet, there is no executive formally assigned to the task ...

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Digital Directions     $50 US*


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Staging and Gauging     $50 US*

After facing the challenges of reduced travel following 9/11 and event-spend cutbacks during the subsequent business slowdown, event marketing rebounded. Expenditures on sponsorships, shows, conferences, meetings and other event activities grew by 15 percent in 2003 to over $140 billion, per Promotion Marketing Association/PROMO magazine. This growth environment led the CMO Council to launch ...

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Measures and Metrics     $50 US*

The first time the CMO Council published a report on the topic of Marketing Performance Measurement (MPM) was back in 2004 -- long before MPM became a common part of the marketing lexicon. Selected by our over 1,000 members as the most compelling topic facing CMO's today, this report defined how companies should measure and quantify marketing's performance. It proved to be an invaluable ...

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Marketing Under Siege     $50 US*

Published in February 2003, this study provided direct insights into the health of high-tech marketing in 2002 post internet bubble collapse, and provided a prognosis for the year ahead (2003). ...

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