Search Results in Reports. Matching search terms: vertical markets

Marketing and Data Security: The Unlikely Brand Building Partnership     Free Report

Much rides on marketing’s relationship with information security to acquire, maintain and secure customer data for competitive advantage. Together, marketing and security can navigate perilous waters, such as Generative AI, trust and privacy concerns, en route to preserving and building the brand...

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Real-Time AI Interaction at the Point of Transaction     Free Report

Digital innovation at the point of transaction is transforming America’s 200,000 drive-thru lanes, which serve 84 million Americans daily and account for 70% of quick-service restaurant sales...

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Making High-Tech MarTech Pay Off     Free Report

As high-tech companies emerge from the pandemic, marketing and MarTech lie at the heart of the recovery. To optimize MarTech investments, marketing needs to have a very effective relationship with IT that spans strategy, selection and management. Such a working relationship drives MarTech innovation, capability maturity and higher performance. ...

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Making Consumer Products MarTech Pay Off     Free Report

As consumer products companies emerge from the pandemic, marketing and MarTech lie at the heart of the recovery. To optimize MarTech investments, marketing needs to have a very effective relationship with IT that spans strategy, selection and management. Such a working relationship drives MarTech innovation, capability maturity and higher performance. ...

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Financial Service and Online Payment Edition     Free Report

Don’t fall prey to one-dimensional data analysis for determining your brands multidimensional impact. This Partner Content report explores how marketing leaders need to see farther and deeper than ever before into their brand’s analytics, impact and performance. Learn how to achieve a 360-degree view of your brand strategy metrics to see how you stack up against competitors...

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Health Insurance Edition     Free Report

Are you measuring yourself in a silo? This Partner Content report focuses on the health insurance industry and provides unique strategies for your organization to see into your brand’s competitive landscape. Learn how to outsmart your competition and win market share with more visibility and context than ever before...

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Consumer Electronics Computers Edition     Free Report

Customers are people, too. So many emotions are behind each click, purchase and interaction customers have with your brand. This Partner Content report explores how marketing leaders can measure their brand analytics, impact and campaigns beyond the narrow lens of one-dimensional data. Treat customers as more than just a number...

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The Greatest Comeback Ever     Free Report

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was talking about the “Retail Apocalypse.” The Coronavirus then exacerbated an already desperate situation, with the outlook for retail looking grimmer than ever...

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Airlines And Hospitality     Free Report

The world is opening up! The industry that was initially the hardest hit – travel – is set to lead the recovery. This industry report highlights who is dominating the Share-of-Voice (SOV), which creatives are catching fire, what the consumer sentiment is around brands and even specific posts, what each brand’s messaging and positioning strategy is, and who’s getting it ...

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How Changing Consumption Patterns have Shaped the Way Food and Beverage Brands are Advertising     Free Report

Leading Food and Beverage brands are household names and key drivers of the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, fundamentally changed the way we relate to these brands. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it is the importance of brand messaging, particularly when it comes to paid social media messaging and creative. What messages are brands attempting to connect...

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The Future of Finance Lies in a Customer Segment of One     Free Report

An ecosystem is rapidly unfolding in financial services, blurring boundaries between stalwart finance institutions, giant tech companies and emerging FinTechs. Financial services — banking, payments, wealth management and more — need to devise a strategy on how to align to this new paradigm and come up with defensible competitive positions...

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Bridging the Gap for Comms and Marketing     $50 US*

Digital media now singularly impacts buying decisions and how consumers feel about brands, only amplifying the importance of consistent messaging across media channels and especially with earned media. Yet too many brands are dissatisfied with their earned media performance due largely to problems arising from misalignment between marketing and comms...

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What's Changing the Way You Travel Today?     $50 US*

Travel and tourism generated $1.6 trillion in bookings in 2017 and now accounts for over 10 percent of global GDP. Technology and service innovations are making it easier and cheaper to discover, reach and enjoy travel destinations. Destination marketers seeking to capitalize on the surge of global travel take note: travelers are still looking for the best deal, but also want a personalized ...

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Be an ADEPT Traveler     $50 US*

With billions of travelers exploring key global destinations every year, destination marketers and travel service providers are seeking to deliver better experiences and reduce irritation, consternation and aggravation. According to new research from the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and its GeoBranding Center, in partnership with AIG Travel and Travelzoo, the travel process - from ...

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How Global Voices Shape Travel Choices     $50 US*

A plethora of global incidents have made headlines this past year—including terrorist attacks, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, regional conflict, political upheaval, crime or civil unrest, airline tragedies and cruise line accidents and food safety issues—that have impacted travel plans, schedules and intentions. News coverage, social media postings and government warnings have ...

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Whats Critical in the Telecommunications Vertical     $50 US*

This installment of the CMO Council's "What's Critical in the Vertical" series, in partnership with Ricoh, provides key insights into the factors driving loyalty and defection in the telecommunications industry based on data gathered from 1,660-plus global consumers and 147 senior marketers...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Global Banking     $50 US*

The latest report in the "Critical in the Vertical" series showcases research from more than 1,200 consumers and delves into the needs, expectations, and pain points of banking’s retail market. It also includes insight from over 120 senior-level marketers from around the globe, who outline where and how banks should invest, communicate, and address consumer concerns. (Published: 2001...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Utilities     $50 US*

Generating loyalty at a time when consumers are making active decisions over which bills to pay makes marketing within the utility space an ever-changing and challenging role. The CMO Council interviewed over 1,000 utility consumers and 100 utility marketers to get an understanding of needs, requirements and sentiment. The end product? 30 pages of insight into customer engagement, advocacy and ...

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What's Critical in the Vertical: Retail Banking In Australia     $50 US*

Only 15 percent of marketers in Australia’s $2.5 trillion banking sector feel confident they have sufficient insights into customer profitability, value and retention. While Australia remained on steady footing through the global recession, bank marketers now face a younger, smarter banking customer with a desire for greater digital interaction and online engagement. The complimentary paper...

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What's Critical In the Vertical: Insurance     $50 US*

There is some great news for marketers in the insurance space: your customers are ready, willing and able to learn more about what you do and how you can become more involved in their lives. This may simplify the news, but according to the consumers surveyed for What's Critical in the Insurance Vertical, 21 percent of consumers who received information about additional products or services ...

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Leveraging Loyalty to Transform Publishing     $50 US*

As marketers look for new channels of customer engagement, magazine advertising has been a casualty as online opportunities from ereaders to online publications become more cost-effective and trackable options. However, in this consumer survey, we see that customers aren't quite ready to abandon their magazines and they are certainly not ready for an onslaught of iPad-vertising to interrupt their ...

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RetailFluency     $50 US*

The CMO Council, in partnership with The ConsumerEdge Research Group, surveyed retail shoppers at three consumer electronics stores in four U.S. markets to study the impact of the Internet on in-store purchasing behavior. While the findings represent a single snapshot of consumer behavior, they paint a clear and dramatic picture of the shifting landscape of media influence. The Internet is ...

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